
Rhys (John David)

  • 1534–1609?
  • Rhys (Siôn Dafydd), Rhaesus (Jo. David)
  • (agents)
Welsh physician, scholar and grammarian
Rhys, John David [Rhys (Rhaesus), Jo. David], Cambrobrytannicae Cymraecaeve Lingvae Institvtiones et Rvdimenta accuraté, & (quantum fieri potuit) succincte & compendiose conscripta a Joanne Dauide Rhaeso Monensi Lanuaethlaeo Cambrobrytanno, medico Senensi etc., Londini: excudebat Thomas Orwinus, 1592.


Secondary sources (select)

Reference works
Welsh biography online, Online: National Library of Wales, 2009–present. URL: <https://biography.wales>.
Parry (Thomas) [id. s-RHYS-DAV-1534. ‘RHYS, JOHN DAVID (or ‘Siôn Dafydd Rhys’, and in his own day ‘John Davies’ only; 1534 - 1609?), physician and grammarian’] direct link
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Page created
December 2017, last updated: May 2022